Saturday, November 5, 2011

King of Pentacles

Comfortable (with)in abundance. His royal throne is on a rooftop, a long walk from the main castle. His robe sprouts grapevines, and these reach out to the vines growing out from the cracks in your castle walls. Your eyes are closed, meditating on your fraternity with the armor, stone and overgrowth.  It's cozy, and it continually gives you a sense of accomplishment.  Like a web of comfort, the wild vines blanket the stones and your armored leg. He could be a good husband who provides, or he could also be ruthless in his corruption and greed - or both at the same time.  He has the sitting posture of an old mafia boss...old money...loyal to family and especially to honor. Family honor.  Having good character can be used viciously too (heros can be viscous too).

He may be greedy.  If he believes he needs something, he may use any means to achieve the desired end.  He will help you in matters of money, but only if he can foresee a material benefit for himself in the deal. His greed is not inherently bad-spirited -- it's a logic and a way of life. He doesn't question himself, as the fish does not question the water.  He lives in his material comfort, he is a gall on an oak leaf, and also as the oak itself.  He is symbiotic with the economic (ecological) system that he operates within. Symbiotic with himself, he is both the reaction and the catalyst.

Turn the card and see where his tentacles unnoticed reside.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

7 of cups


I'm stunned by the dreams.  The dreams surpass the limits of my imagination, yet they are mine.  Dreams are colorful and mysterious, but reality is dark and obvious.  The dreams wake me up in the middle of the night, they leave behind traces of holy sunshine, and residues of the light dance across the dark ceiling of my bedroom.  I close my eyes and hope the dream is still there.  Go back to that dream. To sleep is to obey nature, but when dreaming I can transcend sleep, and therefore I transcend nature.

I am able to discern the veiled figure of my dreams.  If he's not in my dream, then neither am I.  He stands in a cup, arms slightly raised, lifting the veil, resembling a white mushroom. This is not a ruse, hidden behind the veil is a truth.  Whereas the veil of this worlds covers nothing, and is empty of clues. A veil in a dream is a sure sign of something needing to be discovered.  Something worth discovering...

The veiled figure, dragons, a laurel wreath, the lemniscate, the blue lady - these wonderfully unlikely characters, held by the seven cups floating mirage-like in the clouds!  They speak to me in the clear tones of what was, what is, and what will be again.  I trust them as I would trust the advice of my clones. 

As I dream, my own personal micro-mythology unravels before my very eyes.  I would not be real without them. I should be careful to not let my dreams overshadow me, but I let them enslave me anyway.  Making sure the door is left open a crack!  Then I turn another card.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

haiku 5

I fear death today
then tomorrow, I die
you inherit my shoes

haiku 4

When I love, I love
When I hate, I love to hate
You'll never catch me

haiku 3

This is a haiku
No this is not a haiku
Lost in translation

Friday, February 18, 2011

haiku 2

A pen without ink
a true idea that is
put into words

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Under the snow,
the contrivances of
the city are buried.