Friday, April 30, 2010


Super sonic quagmire abundances of greenlit paper, church in the attic, paper, church, in the attic, church attic, still better than the standard florescent room, abundance of greenlit papers, stacked white boxes, sparkling light shining through ersatz furniture, blocks of tinted plate glass, whats the word greenlit paper whats the name for it, shades of purple sun, whats the word for it

Stainglass, fake.

Why decorate a school like a church? Teacher meetings in fabricated steeple, no-fire fireplace, fold out chairs, fill in the blanks of light blocks of light, fill in the blanks of light with all upper case capital letters so the machine can read it, get a new one if you contaminate this one, your name, window of sun, green, in the little white boxes, digits of your number, no slash through the Øs, unpunctuated.

This guy isn’t very funny. I can make up funny things about him – but he’s not funny sitting askew under the arc, the arc separating two fake rooms in the fake attic church, the high school kids didn’t know their building even had a 6th floor, a church in the attic where federal employees sit and receive training on how to get personal information from people The Federal Bureau of Information is it? Investigation? I’m pretty sure I work for the Information office, but the finger printing pallet had FBI written on it in small bluelit letters… tho I could have this all wrong – write your name in the sparkling boxes of light all upper case, no serif on the J, but serifs on the I, like in me, Ian, that’s how I write it, right now I am writing my name Ian with serifs, now put that bottomdown in your folder. And take your time getting home, you’ll get paid for travel.

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