Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sad Man, Man Sad

Man with lawn is sad.
Man with lawn mover is very sad.
Man with clean teeth is sad.
Man with stained teeth is slightly sad.
Man with clothes is sad.
Man with no clothes is only slightly sad.
Man with pen is sad.
Man without pen is very sad.
Man with love is sad.
Man with no love is sad.
Man with hunger is sad.
Man with food is good.
Man with rights is sad.
Man with favors is smart.
Man with health is sad.
Man with disease is only slightly sad.
Man with car is sad.
Man with path is not sad.
Man with camera is sad.
Man with memory is very sad.
Man with lies is sad.
Man with honesty is very sad.
Man with money is sad.
Man with money is sad.
Man with woman is good-sad.
Man with no woman is mad.
Man with tool is happy.
Man with idea is even happier.
Man with words is sad.
Man with sentences is confused.
Man with pet is content.
Man with master is more content.
Man with fence is worried.
Man with no fence is scared.
Man with choice is afraid.
Man with no choice is a lie.
Man with lies is sad.
Man with honesty is condemned.
Man is sad, Sad is man.

epigram [one]

The savior gets his power from the life of the devil, 
and the devil from the life of the savior.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nightmare Justice Pill

The time-release Nightmare Justice Pill includes crime narratives in semi-chronological sequences encoded within our patented chemical formulas. The sleeper will experience terrifying dreams with scenarios revolving around likely criminal intensions. These dream codes are customized to the client’s particular (conscious or subconscious) ill-intentioned fantasy, effectively deterring potential criminals from committing violence against the good of the people. Those considered within the hazardous community are all those capable of dreaming. Therefore, this technology should be implemented to all.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

There is no way to say "I see that" without someone saying "I see you."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


Timeless angled flight-patterns mapped out in carbon emissions , greenlit house gas , calming sketches like gestalt therapy in the skies eyes and brain construct it to appear as a human face up there , huge publicity flashing in the sky , wreaths of fire domino effect into hell contained in heaven , the skies (there’s something between me and them) , a face , sparks of platinum light , misfiring neurons a symptom of ascension , no , no one is broken , our diseases crack the veil of concrete thises and thats , I’m sure you’ve had to question the reality of a tumor…. 18 wheelers in the sky leaving trails of cotton candy clouds , sparkling like heat lightening , might touch the ground, might not , but there’s no storm yet , just the billowy pink and blue face sparkling like its agelessly about to burst into flame , irises flared up like multi-faceted Suns smiling down perfumed acid rain down on Independence Day’s sightseers , plumes of boring white cigarette and marijuana smoke dissipating far too soon , looking up and letting the droplets fall into my eyes , looking up straight down , looking west straight east , soft-rubber tires rolling over our bodies like some ancient massage technique made marketable and decent , strange organic odors rising from sewage plants , hyper-evolved organism mimicking scent of trash (so the sifting machine wont mistake them for recyclables) , summer day smelling like monsoon night in the targeted jungle replica , teenagers swallowing vials of perfume intended to attract same-sex wild animals , Hollywood dumping megatons of magnification epoxy onto summerfun island , Disneyland modge-podging “starving kids in Africa” –
All on display in the polluted sky.

Friday, May 7, 2010

           A taxidermied ape stares blindly at a room of teacups. The teacups are tink stacked and piled tink and very still tink. 
           A mouse little mouse cannot hide his excitement scuttling through the tens of thousands of porcelain flowers, he holds his little paws up in the air and yells with frenzied rapture, EEEEeeeeeeeeeee!
           The tea-time china towers topsy-turvy and mountainous. It’s what every little mouse dreams about. Weaving playfully through the lips and arms fur rubbing quick and smooth across the cool milky glass, tink, tink, tink, there’s even ones to climb. 
           The stuffed ape stares with huge brown crystal balls at the teacups piled like forgotten loot. And the mouse little mouse gambols through his empire of old-time tableware and thinks, “From all the cupboards in all the world it’s all mine, Mine, MINE!”
           A squeak, a rustle, a fallen whisker, the simian’s never-blinking eyes reflect the white squares of the checkerboard kitchen. Blind, Blind, Blind, is the unheard whisper, Blind, Blind, Blind, is the thought of the non-thinker, Blind, Blind, Blind, is the lie of this simian trickster.

direct symbologies

"the lion represents (american) courage-"
said over small loudspeakers
to a trolley of deaf ringers

Frenchie and Grumpy have
good senses of humor

"-each star represents 100 dead-"
crackling and static

war data cut into stone
memorials never left to interpretation

"-the indian looking west-"
hot and cold reversed on
hotel faucet
either a warning or a destiny
“-200 dead.”

scalded hands rubbed skinless
from handshakes with suits

"-more than ____ dead-"
blank dead

the statue's are erected
either for glory or a final caveat

looking west straight down
"-old (white) man looking east-"

teary eyed over simple meaning
cut and drying out in the wind
none open to interpretation

Con. Coyote. Bull Ring Clown.

music is bullshit. tricks and catches, a scam, false stops and starts, a bungle, full of ingenuine positive-reinforcements. fade in, fade out. making believe existence is powerful, enchanted, knowable. fucking sing me to sleep, you pulchritudinous everpotent placebo. stick your deft fingers in my heart and make little changes in spacing. swell, release. like the jar of water hung tantalizingly in front of the camel I walk out into the desert until the water spills or just vanishes into thin air and my spirit with it. Then the next track plays so I do it all over again. I always come back to you, you sneaky little whore. As if the fact that you're intangible, that you have nothing to physically grasp, as if that weren't enough to warn me you don't really exist. Con. Coyote. Bull Ring Clown. since you came I haven't once held my feet firmly to the ground. but i still love you.